In the Andante Hotel you will find all the comforts of the modern world that will facilitate the enjoyment and rest during your stay; but in addition, each room has been dedicated to some of the great composers of classical music. Thus, Andante has been designed and decorated seeking to interpret the artistic essence -musical aura- of these great beings.
Hotel Andante commissioned 31 contemporary Puebla artists to reinterpret each of the musical geniuses who are honored in each of the 19 suites, the result is a festival of music, shapes and color without equal.
Travelers of the eternal present, is our true name. Grateful and empathetic I honor your journey, since all the paths are sacred and meet in the "great way of man", because we are all one.
Calle 2 Oriente #15 Col. Centro en Puebla, Puebla México Cp 72000
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